
A mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta ria formosa

Memórias do Sotavento

  Fotografias há que, nos idos tempos analógicos, nunca ninguém sabia como iriam ficar. Mas a magia surgia, raras vezes, no momento da revelação. Esta, enquanto síntese de tanta coisa, amor dentre elas, vale por todas as que tirei nos meus últimos 40 anos.


In the old days, when I used to spend all Summer in Ria Formosa, you were my best friends. We used to buy one of you to Mr. Cabanita in the first day of our vacation and would free it in the very last day of September. Somewhere in the dunes of Cacela Velha. Seemingly, you loved it: the bush hang in the ceiling, right in front of the entrance door of Dona Nicolina house was the strategical location to catch amazingly huge and juicy mosquitoes with your sharp and long tongues. I always believed those generation of chamaleons were happy. At least happiest than these "snowflake generation" of reptiles who are even afraid of good well-hearted Christians. But we stand together, buddies. Before you all decide to move to Morocco, give me a call. I can accommodate some of you in my future house near Tangiers. First move: a party plenty of Algarve d'Álem Mar bugs.