
A mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta unfortunately this is a 21st century plague we must be aware and fight for the joy and future of our kids

Explaining calmly the not-so-difficult-to-understand concept of "Parental alienation"

For many people, too many perhaps, the concept of "Parental alienation" is just too abstract and impossible to define. They are wrong: as you can watch and listen to in the following video, such a dysfunctional behavior played by one of the parents/families against the other, can damage forever the well-being and present and future of a helpless child. Unfortunately, I know the theory but also the concrete, since the Estonian mother of my three kids — I mean my ex-wife and her local family — decided to adopt, also because of their provincial ignorance, post-Soviet tradition and poor education, such a pathological behavior that is not properly ruled by national laws in European Union. Children deserve much more from the judicial systems. We must go beyond the prejudice in order to fix such a tragedy, that impacts (and blames on) especially fathers. That is why further measures must be urgently adopted to typify it in an easier way  by Courts elsewhere where is the border betwe...