

Adoro queijo. Mas Sander diz (sempre) que estou gouda .

Escort girl

"The more expansive, the more expensive."

"Oui, ski!"

Pensei que Marianne tivesse concordado. Mas depois recusou-se a beber.

Há piores

De manhã, o padre Pedro apagava frieiras. À tarde, pregava nas feiras. À noite, pegava nas freiras.


O fetiche do caniche? Cerveja trapiche.

And rape is again in the global agenda...

by João Lopes Marques ( Eesti keeles ) Genghis Khan. The first man I thought about when I heard the news was Genghis Khan. Could it be otherwise? Even if the “h” of Dominique Strauss-Kahn is after the “a” vowel, it must be tough to sport such a surname. Yes, I am writing about former IMF general-director, the Frenchman accused of raping a Guinean chambermaid in a New York hotel last week. This kind of news deserve always my interest. Not rape neither the rapist himself, but the psychological and social mechanisms behind the contemporary definition of rape and forced mating. Do you remember Julian Assange case last year? When WikiLeaks founder was accused in Sweden of abusing two different women? Of course, there is giant nuance that separates rape from sexual abuse. This is a scientific field in itself — and perhaps much more delicate than rocket science. I myself remember what happened with my first girlfriend in Portugal, still a close friend more than two decades later: after...

Outros tempos de Eurovisão



Strauss-Kahn. Stretch-Kahn. Strauss-Kahna. Stress-Kahn. Strauss-Kehm?


Era um bom cara. Mas saía-lhe sempre coroa.

"Nunca me chamem 'Fariseu'"



Nunca o levem à letra. Após ter violado a fila, William ainda abusou da sombrinha.

Me quedaré solo


Bah, the phone again!


Decoro salteado

O pudor também deveria ter limites. Sempre que Henry insiste em pôr no gráfico, a audiência cora toda.

Estrelas do mar

Foram anos e anos a ver navios. Mas estava escrito nas estrelas: Marina acabaria mesmo com um marujo.