
E como queriam que vingasse? Se Marcos era um tipo reservado, Muriel estava sempre reservada.

When Mr. Guy Friend is always around the corner

By João Lopes Marques ( Eesti keeles ) Jealousy is a powerful feeling, usually for the worst reasons. I guess that’s why the “guy friend” topic is an extremely popular one in contemporary emotional literature. For men such a subject is nothing minor. It applies to most relationships: almost every female likes to keep a solid relationship with a guy she met a decade or a year prior to our arrival. Let’s face it: this is the main reason why we tolerate Mr. Guy Friend — he was already part of her daily life and the longer the friendship the better. A second scenario is when Mr. Guy Friend is a common friend the couple met at the very same time. Still... Some women prefer to dub it “primitive”. Yet if there is something remarkable in males is their concrete and logical thinking. In this context, “being linear” is not necessarily an insult. We shall also agree if I say men are much less manipulative than women: no tears, no scandals, no sex as a reward, no mysterious silences... Ev...

No money, no honey


Cool pool


Quem é? Quem é?


Louco? Louco sou eu!



Raymond era um tipo absolutamente extraordinário. Surpreendente até: no mesmíssimo dia em que se mudou para Zurique ainda conseguiu esvaziar umas dez genebras.

Celebrating body fetishes

By João Lopes Marques ( Eesti keeles ) One of the most charming facts of life is that everybody is different. We can even have a dozen of look-alikes, but humans are so nuanced that a quantic analysis will detect automatically significant differences. We just have to scratch a little bit. Zoom in. Those are perfect news. We human beings complement each others. This said, I must acknowledge I have a weird fetish with fetishes. How can I justify it? That was perhaps my way to overcome no tangible obsession in my life. Let’s face it: a deep-rooted fetish in a man is something quite idiosyncratic. Gives us character. Impresses. It’s something others will always write in our obituary: “Donald just loved smoking pipe hours long”, “Magnus never missed a FC Levadia match”, “Ruslan loved so much stars and planets he bought a powerful telescope with his first salary”, etc. Yet I am being too benign. Some of men’s biggest fetishes are related to women’s bodies. That’s quite normal. Funni...

Meninas Gerais

Márcia eu sei que é de Belo Horizonte. As outras não estou a ver bem.


Sabe de onde vem esta fantástica bandeira, a meio-caminho entre a mira técnica da RTP e a centenária República?

In baguette we trust



He was so disgusted with my new perfume I thought he would move to Sofia. Hopefully, he's still sleeping in our sofa. So far.

De Iberiana à Atlântida


Querubins para todos


Erosão a sério
