The anthology of my Estonian chronicles in English language. At last: "Supermodels. Skype. The legacies of Soviet occupation. Sex terrorism. The gender gap. Spontaneity. Simplicity. Wife-carrying. Its never easy to write anthropological chronicles on a specific nation as an alien author. Weekly. For six years. In the countrys mainstream media. However, Estonian people belong to a unique breed. They not only gave space for this project to materialize but also decided to promote it worldwide. Indeed, throughout these compositions the reader will find plenty of criticism about Estonia and Estonians. Hand-in-hand with compliments. Hedonism. Gratitude. Pagan Estonia is a rather different species: not a coincidence that this fascinating republic ranks 3rd worldwide when it comes to press freedom. A kind of paradise in our time."
Sardenha, Uruguai, Zanzibar, Omã, França, China, Brasil, Chile e Estónia. Nove identidades, nove manias. Mas ele é ver o compacto de "Choque Cultural".
Foi há oito anos, mas a história repete-se. Esqueçam as sangrias: preferimos as laranjadas desatadas. Existe em cada português esse prazer pérfido, nada a fazer. Será por isso que portucalia significa laranja em tantos países do mundo?