No money, no honey


Anónimo disse…
...well, these seems to be linked to the Murdoch case (the hacking m.o.)... anyway, lots of money, lots of hookers and people who sell themselves intellectually speaking (is there a difference between those who sell their bodies on the streets, those who do it for a luxury living or those who do it pretending to be ladies/gentlemen but just want to climb professionally and socially speaking by sleeping with the boss? And what about intellectual hookers/gigolos- those who sell their consciouness? Is there a difference?...please, I ask you make a little post out of this will be hilarious...
Anónimo disse… foi? empacou na língua suja? vá, menino, mostre que tem muito mais do que empáfia e veia viperina...
Manu disse…
O João sem o ABBA não existe..rsrsr

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